Healthy Eating During the Holidays
Updated: Apr 10, 2022

The holidays are a time for gathering of families and friends, office parties and outings.
It can be a wonderful and also a stressful time of the year when you are trying to stick to a healthy lifestyle. But do not despair by following a few tips, it is possible to enjoy holiday treats and still maintain a healthy eating lifestyle.
TIP #1

Eat regular meals, avoid skipping meals which can lead to overeating. Stick to your normal eating habits and routines.
TIP #2

Stay hydrated, drink plenty of water. Try drinking a full glass of water right before a meal. Try a water infusion with cranberries, or strawberries and cucumbers. Refreshing and great source of vitamin C, K. Helps boost your metabolism as well.
TIP #3

Try eating a protein snack, hard boiled eggs for example or a handful of nuts before a holiday meal.
TIP #4

Think in colors, eat colorful items, berries, fruit, greens- Think " eat the best and leave the rest".
TIP #5

Don't feel guilty, enjoy your favorite holiday meals and treats in moderation. Be kind to yourself, eat mindfully, don't rush, savor the tastes and favors of the food.